Check out the latest releases from UpGuard!
For our full release notes check out

✅ Sending a questionnaire to a vendor now prompts them to create a free Shared Profile, letting them proactively share their security rating, completed questionnaires, and supporting security documentation.

✅ Building off of the newly improved questionnaire process for vendors, we’re now applying the same process to the customer-facing experience.

✅ You’re now able to add and assess vendors that don’t have a website. This is great for situations where you need to assess a vendor who doesn’t have a web presence, but will be handling your sensitive information.

✅ We’ve also added support for viewing a vendor and its subsidiaries in the vendor’s Risk Profile, letting you see all identified risks across the vendor and its subsidiaries.

UpGuard is a complete third-party risk and attack surface management platform, managing cyber risk across attack surfaces and third-party vendors by proactively identifying security exposures.

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