First up news in from Melbourne on a new Covid-19 cluster confirmed yesterday:
• Melbourne has yesterday recorded four new locally acquired cases of coronavirus, health experts say this could be a more challenging outbreak than other clusters as one of the infected has quite a high viral load and is thought of very contagious. This new cluster is a pressing reason why people need to get tested for the coronavirus if now eligible, the authorities are urging people to make an appointment or visit a mass hub as soon as possible. You can book an appointment at vaccination centers by calling 1800 675 398.
The Next news also comes from Melbourne about the Royal Commission into Crown casino.
• It is Day 2 of the public hearings of the Royal Commission into the money laundering allegations into the Casino, who has been quite slow with providing the required information for the hearing. In 2019 Crown’s Southbank and Riverbank Investments accounts were shut down after it became known that organized criminals were using these accounts to launder funds.
Now some serious news concerning Australia’s parliament house in Canberra..

• Peter Dutton will be speaking at a National Security Summit today and he says Australia needs to be prepared for widespread and catastrophic cyber attacks. The Minister for Defense says that risks of attack are heading more into cyberspace and this comes after Parliament House has been victim of a cyber attack triggered through users mobile devices. It has been confirmed by Senate President Scott Ryan that the malicious activity has not resulted in any data being compromised but the security risk began 25 March and lasted for 24 hours.
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