[NEWS IN-DEPTH] New security issues and global cooperation: Interview with cyber security expert Jeff Moss
사이버 안보와 국제협력 현주소…제1차 세계신안보포럼 서울서 개최

The world is facing not just conventional security threats, but also emerging security threats like cyberattacks.
To tackle these new threats together, renowned cyber security experts and government officials from around the world are gathering here in Seoul today.
For more, we are joined in the studio by Mr. Jeff Moss, a well-known cyber security expert… and the founder of the DEF CON and Black Hat security conferences.
Mr. Moss, thanks for joining us.

I heard you are visiting Seoul for the “World Emerging Security Forum” hosted by South Korea’s foreign affairs ministry. It’s the very first security forum of its kind to be held by the ministry.
Please do tell us more about what brings you here… and your expectations for the event.

The world is facing an increasing cyber security threat. What is your assessment of the current cyber security situation and cyberattack countering system?
Particularly, the U.S. has recently been paying more attention to ransomware attacks. What are your thoughts and comments on the U.S.’ cyber policy, including its counter-ransomware measures?

You’re a renowned cyber security expert, and also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Please do tell us more about cooperation and efforts by the international community against cyberattacks.

The U.S. is seeking cyber cooperation with its allies and partners, including South Korea. What will be South Korea’s role or contribution?

What are your prospects for the future of the cyber security?

Mr. Moss, thank you for your insights.

#Security #cooperation #cyber

2021-11-17, 19:00 (KST)
