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Layered Networking
Problem with Flat Networks
Flat networks are easy to scan for vulnerabilities
Flat networks make attacks very easy for intruders
Networking equipment is “cheap”
Layered networks
Equipment is cheap
Making more difficult for attackers using networking
Software Firewalls
Software firewalls allow you to only accept traffic from specific hosts
Windows Firewall
Specialized Software Firewalls
Segmenting Networks
Compartmentalize servers
Separate subnets for different floors in a building, or departments
Parallel Networks
Convergence has all devices on same LAN
Parallel Networks put devices on different subnets and then connect through routers with firewalls
Layered network to have vulnerable servers segregated from internal network
Hybrid Infrastructure
Does your VPN end in a flat network?
Virtualized Networking
Networking is important in virtualized world too.
Plan and Document
Plan the work, and work the plan
Build for Years, not weeks
Final Thoughts…
