This video explains the basics of Cyber Security and the different terminologies that are used commonly. We start exploring the Job Market for Cyber Security specialists and the range of the salaries provided in different countries. We then discuss the digital world and data privacy concerns. The CIA triad for information security is then discussed. The need for cybersecurity is then highlighted. Historical references to the organizations affected by the attacks are discussed.

Typical security infrastructure is depicted in which different network security solutions and monitoring are shown. These solutions include Firewalls, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, and Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) Solutions. Then firewall purpose and different generations of firewalls (Packet filtering Firewalls, Circuit-level Gateways, Application-level Gateways, Stateful Inspection Firewalls, and Next-Generation Firewalls) are discussed. Different commercial and open source firewalls are included as an example such as; CheckPoint, Fortinet, Paloalto, Juniper, Huawei, Sophos, CISCO, Hillstone, WatchGuard, Sonicwall, pfSense, and OPNSense.

Then we discuss Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solutions and their need for security purposes. Based on the detection techniques, Signature, anomaly, and hybrid detection techniques are discussed. Different commercial and open source Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention solutions are included as an example such as; Fireeye, CISCO, Fidelis, McAfee, Paloalto, Snort, Suricata, and Zeek. Then the limitations of open source solutions are discussed while providing the front-end visualization platforms like Grafana and Kibana.

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