#CyberNews #CyberSecurityNews

Latest Cyber Security News

Intro 00:00
Anonymous declared Cyber War Against Russia 00:10
Singapore firms have been urged to tighten their cyber security 00:58
Russia and Ukraine War 01:47
US banks preparing for cyber attacks 02:35

01 Anonymous the hacker group that has declared cyberwar on Russia

The Anonymous group has claimed responsibility for accessing the Russian Ministry of Defense database and is reported to have hacked other state TV outlets to broadcast pro-Ukraine information.

Cyber wars are typically conducted in the shadows, but in the case of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Anonymous has issued the most public declaration of war. Late on Thursday, the hacker collective Anonymous tweeted from an account linked to it, @YourAnonOne, saying it was targeting Vladimir Putin’s administration.

Anonymous also claimed to have hacked the Ministry of Defense database, and on Sunday claimed to have hacked Russian state TV networks, uploading pro-Ukraine content such as patriotic songs and photographs from the invasion.


02 Singapore firms have been urged to tighten their cyber security following the cyber strikes on Ukraine.

SINGAPORE – Following warnings of rising cyberthreats internationally resulting from recent cyber attacks on Ukraine as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, organizations in Singapore have been warned to tighten their cyber security.

While there have been no reports of threats to Singapore organizations as a result of the events in and surrounding Ukraine, organizations are urged to take proactive measures,” SingCert added.

It encouraged businesses to protect their systems and network infrastructure by implementing multi-factor authentication.
Update systems and apps to the most recent versions, and get the most recent security fixes.
Disable any ports and protocols that are not required for business operations.



Russia and Ukraine are in a war. Phishing, malware, and hacker groups are taking sides.

Ukraine’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UA) has warned that Belarusian state-sponsored hackers are targeting Ukraine’s military personnel and people who work with them as part of a phishing campaign during Russia’s military invasion of the country, which has been going on for a long time.

“Mass phishing emails” have been sent to private “i.ua” and “meta.ua” accounts of Ukrainian military personnel and other people, the CERT-UA said. After the account is hacked, the attackers use the IMAP protocol to get access to all of the emails.

The attacks then use the contact information in the victim’s address book to spread the phishing messages to other people.



After the most recent sanctions against Russia, US banks are preparing for cyberattacks, so they don’t lose money.

People who work in cyber security say that U.S. banks are preparing for cyberattacks in response to Western sanctions against Russia for taking over Ukraine.

Some Russian banks were removed from the SWIFT international payment system on Saturday by the US and its allies. The Russian central bank’s international reserves were also limited by the US and its allies, as well.

They are preparing for ransomware and malware attacks, as well as denial-of-service attacks that take down websites, and data wiping and theft, which may happen at the same time, as threats.

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