This video has been produced by educated Pakistan for students who have earnest desire to know about Cyber security issue in Pakistan. If you like this video subscribe to educated Pakistan and like the video.
Pakistan has recently delineated its cyber security policy in the wake of growing cyber attacks. The some of many attacks are: attack on the FBR and data unavailability for 24 hours; Pakistan’s navy website was hacked; and cyber attack on power management system , along with efforts via Pegasus software to hack the pm mobile for sake of extracting covert and sensitive information.
In last one decade , we have seen growing number of cyber attacks tp dismantle our democracy and to use it as a weapon of war by the countries like Indian, Russia and Israel.
Due to all these menaces the Government of Pakistan has made a robust policy to tackle these insurmountable challenges in the arena of cyber security and the some of many goals are mentioned below.
1)To do research in cyber security
2) Establishment of departments and preparing human resource
3) To produce hardware and software in indigenous industry
4)To protect our nuclear plants and establish a separate department.
