Cyber Security is Human Security: What Does and Doesn’t Work to Address Human Risk with Benjamin Edwards, Senior Data Scientist, Cyentia Institute

Cyber security is human security. Every security incident involves, at some level, human actions and decisions. While technical solutions have made us more secure, the risk posed by humans in the loop continues to be a large unsolved problem. Solutions tend to be narrowly tailored, and involve training and simulation which may or may not reflect real world threats. Moreover, human risk is complex and interconnected, meaning those narrow solutions will necessarily miss important insights. A holistic view of this complexity is needed. This briefing will shed light on human risk based on findings from a recent report authored by the Cyentia Institute. We’ll draw on a data set of more than 4.5M actions taken by more than 114k users. We won’t solve human risk in this talk, but attendees will come away with a better idea of where human risk hides in their organization and actionable solutions that security teams can use to begin reducing their greatest human risk.

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