Cyber Security Certificate / Cyber Security Pledge to build safe online environment.
In the current scenario where the world is going digital, we can aptly address ourselves as the digital citizens of the cyber world. As digital citizens, it is essential we are aptly aware and alert about these online frauds or dangers and follow best online digital practices to stay safe in cyber space.

Come, let us all take the cyber security Pledge and commit ourselves to build safe online environment.

1. Never publish or share my personal and private details like pictures, full name, date of birth, school address, parents details etc., online openly with everyone.
2. Never share the financial details like Debit Card/ Credit Card/PIN /OTP with anyone.
3. Refrain from cyber bullying, posting any inflammatory or derogatory comments or posts
Always be careful with passwords and never share them with anyone and Keep changing them regularly, using different passwords for different accounts
Enable security and privacy features on social media accounts and Instant Messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram etc.,
4. Never click on suspicious links/ advertisements/ free offers/ free antivirus etc., circulated online
Only use reliable and authentic sources to download apps, software and files.
5. Never forward messages and news received online, without proper verification or authentication
Put a password lock / PIN on my computer and mobile
6. Install anti-virus/malware/spyware software and use updated software/OS with required software patches
Respect copyrights policy and will not indulge in unauthorised use of content and resources available online
7. Never use a public/open Wi-Fi network for banking, shopping or other sensitive activities
Help in spreading awareness of hygienic cyber security practices among friends, family and colleagues

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