Has the Cybersecurity Game Passed You By In LIFE? Ageism Technology and Cybersecurity. Age 50+ Old!
A job listing that says “we hire old people” revived conversations about ageism in the tech industry.
Going viral online, the posting has thrown a spotlight on issues within Silicon Valley’s hiring practices.
As of March 2021, there are about 37 million older Americans in the workforce. I’m to the point that I’m going to create an alternate resume that only lists experience of less than 8 years, instead of 30+, and use a very old photo of myself on socials,” one user commented. A recent study by the University of Gothenburg found that tech workers over 35-years-old are considered old by the industry, while young workers are considered to be up to about 30 years of age. Ageism was the subject of 226 official complaints filed against Silicon Valley’s biggest tech companies between 2008 and 2015, and the problem is still ongoing, according to data from Bloomberg.

The average tech worker is 38-years-old, compared to 43-years-old for non-tech workers, according to analytics company Visier.
