
Reports: Some Russian forces returning after drills in Ukraine | World English News | WION

Russia ordered its top army command to begin returning troops to their permanent bases inside the country from Friday, saying it had successfully completed a


This is what weakness sounds like: Gen. Keane

Ret. Gen. Jack Keane says NATO would ‘have to get involved’ in the Russia-Ukraine war if dictator uses chemical weapons on ‘Your World.’ #FoxNews #YourWorld


More sanctions won't stop Putin in Ukraine: McFarland

The former deputy national security adviser joined ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss Russian sanctions and why she believes they may not be effective in deterring


Massive cyber attack warns Ukraine to "expect the worst" amid tensions with Russia

A massive cyber attack warning Ukrainians to “be afraid and expect the worst” hit government websites late on Thursday, leaving some websites inaccessible on Friday


Ukraine Crisis: US intel says Russia may use false flag operation as pretext for invasion

The White House confirmed a report Friday that their own intelligence suggests that Russia may be planning to use a false flag operation to pave