
SSD's Cybersecurity News Recap – 4-Year-Old Bug in Azure, Log4Shell scanner, and hackers on Telegram

Keep up with the latest updates: SSD Secure Disclosure brings you the week’s top news headlines and updates. On today’s show, we discuss a four-year-old


Inside the NetUSB Hack – Log4J Update, Cyber-Insurance and Ransomware, EU Bug Bounty Programs

• Picture of the Week. • Log4J News. • Who pays for RansomWare attack recovery? • The rising cost of cyber-insurance. • Another very dangerous


SSD's Cybersecurity News Recap – Rocket.Chat RCE, Log4Shell, and Joker Malware

Keep up with the latest updates: SSD Secure Disclosure brings you the week’s top news headlines and updates. On today’s show, we discuss a client-side


Orgs Suffer 925 Attacks per Week, an All-Time High | Cybersecurity News | Log4Shell News

Researchers observed that cyberattacks increased 50% year-over-year in 2021, peaking in December because of a frenzy of Log4j vulnerabilities. With numerous Log4j-targeted threats in each


APT ‘Aquatic Panda’ Targets Universities with Log4JShell Exploit Tools

As per the research released by CrowdStrike, experts disrupted an unusual activity by the threat group using some Log4Shell exploit tools on a weak VMware


SSD's Cybersecurity News Recap – Log4Shell, Google vs Glupteba, and BlackCat ransomware

Keep up with the latest updates: SSD Secure Disclosure brings you the week’s top news headlines and updates. On today’s show, we discuss the unauthenticated


How Hackers Exploit Log4J to Get a Reverse Shell (Ghidra Log4Shell Demo) | HakByte

On this episode of HakByte, Alex Lynd demonstrates a Log4Shell attack against Ghidra, and shows how a reverse shell can be established on compromised systems