
Cyber Security weekly hacker news January 4 – 10, 2022

Cyber Security weekly hacker news January 4 – 10, 2022 —— Contents —— 00:00 intro 00:25 PATCHES 00:28 Microsoft rolled out emergency fix for Y2k22


Microsoft Sees Rampant Log4j Exploit Attempts, Testing | Log4j vulnerability Cybersecurity News

Threat actors ramped up exploit efforts and testing in the final weeks of December. According to Microsoft’s latest update on the Apache Log4j logging library


Cyber Security weekly hacker news December 14 – 20, 2021

———— VIDEO CONTENTS ———– 00:00 intro 00:27 phishing 00:30 Logistics giant warns of BEC emails following ransomware attack 02:19 PATCHES 02:22 Apache releases the third


APT ‘Aquatic Panda’ Targets Universities with Log4JShell Exploit Tools

As per the research released by CrowdStrike, experts disrupted an unusual activity by the threat group using some Log4Shell exploit tools on a weak VMware


How Hackers Exploit Log4J to Get a Reverse Shell (Ghidra Log4Shell Demo) | HakByte

On this episode of HakByte, Alex Lynd demonstrates a Log4Shell attack against Ghidra, and shows how a reverse shell can be established on compromised systems