
Layered Network Introduction (Cyber Security Part 5)

Support Silicon Dojo at: Layered Networking Problem with Flat Networks Flat networks are easy to scan for vulnerabilities Flat networks make attacks very easy for


Cyber Security at Deakin

Cyber security professionals protect the data and systems of digital services we use for daily business and communication. Study at Deakin and gain the skills


Honeypot Introduction (Cyber Security Series)

Support Silicon Dojo at: Honeypot Introduction What is a Honeypot A decoy system or device used to get a hacker to expose themselves Many Products


DNS for Cybersecurity

Support Silicon Dojo at: DNS for Cybersecurity What is DNS Maps name to IP address: – Threats to DNS DNS Tracking DNS Poisoning


Cyber Security Introduction

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CSE(IOT & Cyber Security including Blockchain Technology) | Know Your Branch | Prof.Dr.T.V.Geetha

Educationist Ramesh Prabha interviews Prof Dr.T.V.Geetha, Former Dean, College of Engineering Guindy(CEG), Anna University to create awareness on CSE(IOT & Cyber Security including Blockchain Technology)


Operational and Physical Security (Cyber Security Part 3)

Support Silicon Dojo at: Operational and Physical Security What are Operational and Physical Security Operational Security is security around HOW your organization operates Physical Security


Patch Management Introduction (Cyber Security Part 6)

Support Silicon Dojo at: Patch Management Hackers Attack OLD Vulnerabilities Many attacks are NOT zero day Many problems are solved by updates Many services will


Layered Security Introduction (Cyber Security Part 4)

Support Silicon Dojo at: Layered Security Introduction Layering Security Got Root? Site Survey and Initial Audit What are we looking at? Verify what you are


Cybersecurity | Interviewing A Cybersecurity Recruiter

Hello there! Long time, no see! I’m sorry about that. Life has been wild. I DO hope that you find this video to be extremely