Articles By This Author


Trust and Transparency Are Essential Elements of Modern Compliance

“Trust” is something of a dirty word in the world of cybersecurity. Need proof? Just run a quick Google search for “zero trust” and see


Ransomware Attack on The Guardian Hits Print Production, Internal Business Systems

One of Britain’s most popular newspapers, The Guardian, is reporting that a suspected ransomware attack is causing some internal network trouble. The online publishing component


Okta Source Code Stolen in Raid on GitHub Repositories

Third-party authentication service provider Okta is once again in cybersecurity trouble as the company’s GitHub repositories have been hacked. There does not appear to be


FTC Consent Order Against Drizly CEO Sets Cyber Accountability Precedent

As regulators get more serious about enforcing data protection rules, the severity of penalties issued against enterprises who fail to secure their customer data continues


How Organizations Can Benefit From Thinking About Their Critical Application Infrastructure Like a TSA Security Line

In any modern, digital-centric organization, application and network infrastructure must work together to provide an application experience that is both fast and secure. Compromising on


OECD Nations Sign Privacy Agreement Aimed At Improving Transparency Into Government Access of Personal Data

The 38 member nations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Union have signed a notable privacy agreement aimed at


Ransomware Attack Disrupts Antwerp City Services via a Digital Partner

Digital city services of Antwerp, Belgium, went offline after a ransomware attack compromised the city’s digital partner. According to Het Laatste Nieuws (HLN), hackers gained


The Authentication Journey

The most pressing concerns for companies and consumers alike today are the threats of identity theft, the harvesting of personal information, and fraud. Given the


Metaverse Security Concerns Coming Into Focus as Businesses Plan For “Virtual Reality” Futures

Meta pulled off quite a marketing coup in getting people to broadly refer to internet-connected virtual reality as “the metaverse,” though the technology will be


Why User Journeys Are Critical to Application Detection

The cause of increasing threats for enterprise business applications lies within rogue insiders and external attackers. External hackers steal information to penetrate business applications, while