Articles By This Author


UK Data Protection Plans Take Shape Post-Brexit: Partnerships With Countries Frozen Out by EU Privacy Rules, General Reduction of Compliance Requirements

Having formally broken with the European Union and the governance of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the United Kingdom is now firming up what


Blind in the Marketplace: How Vendors and Suppliers Expose Enterprises to Risk

A new quantitative study has exposed what some risk managers and compliance executives have suspected: Vendors are not complying with corporate insurance requirements, representing a


White House Cybersecurity Summit Looks to Set Priorities: “Core National Security Challenge” Draws Together Energy, Tech and Finance Companies

Last week’s White House cybersecurity summit was the Biden administration’s first formal public-private meeting on the subject of national security, drawing together executives from some


Microsoft Warning to Customers: Azure Cosmos DB Cloud Databases May Have Been Exposed For Years

Microsoft is warning customers of a devastating vulnerability in one of its cloud database products, used by thousands of organizations, that appears to have been


The Hybrid Workplace: The Next Frontier of Cyber Security

This week thousands of business leaders are counting the costs of REvil’s Kaseya hack, now dubbed the  “worst ransomware attack on record.” With coronavirus-driven remote


Pegasus iPhone Spyware Used by Bahraini Government to Target Activists, Including One in London

Developed by Israel-based NSO Group, Pegasus is a highly effective form of iPhone spyware that has been making news for years now due to its


KPMG Reports Lack of Corporate Data Responsibility Eroding Consumer Trust, Preventing Users From Sharing Data

A new study shows that most people are concerned about the amount of data collected, the collection process, usage, and protection practices by various companies.


New Consumer Protection Legislation Is Making Zero-Party Data an Imperative for Brands

The past three years have seen increasing dialogue in the United States over how companies are using consumer data; and it’s a dialogue that has


Merchants Overestimate Their Ability To Stop Online Shopping Fraud, but Customers Are Skeptical and Blame Retailers

There is a huge disconnect in online shopping fraud perception between retailers and consumers, according to fraud detection solutions provider Riskified. A survey conducted on 4,000 customers


Microsoft Power Apps Data Leak Fallout: 38 Million Records Exposed, State and City Governments Among Those Breached

Due to some apparent poor choices in the default configuration settings of a piece of Microsoft software, 38 million records of private personal information have