Articles By This Author


Why Cyber Insurance Will Revive Cyber Business Intelligence

Things have been tough recently in the cyber insurance industry. Businesses have a difficult time finding affordable policies with the right limits that don’t exclude


Russian Hackers Targeted U.S. Nuclear Labs as Putin Threatened To Use Atomic Weapons

Russian hackers targeted nuclear researchers at three U.S. nuclear labs last summer as Vladimir Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons to defend Russia. The Russian


What To Know About Software Supply Chain Security in 2023

As those in charge of security software supply chains within organizations pick their collective heads up from untangling themselves from the aftermath of high-profile, debilitating


Ukraine Declares That Russian Cyber Attacks May Be Viewed as War Crimes, Plans To Take Cases to the Hague

Politico reports that cyber officials in Ukraine have decided to label some Russian cyber attacks as war crimes, and are gathering evidence to present to


Functioning Malware Written by ChatGPT Spotted on Dark Web Says Check Point Research

ChatGPT and associated AI projects have raised all sorts of concerns, ranging from job loss to cheating for credentials. One that may be going underlooked


Not All Multi-Factor Authentication Is Created Equal

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) continues to be a vital component of any identity security initiative, but a rapidly changing threat landscape is progressing past the capabilities


Severe API Security Flaws Affect Millions of Vehicles from 16 Car Manufacturers, Including BMW, Mercedes and Toyota

Hackers could remotely control, track, and transfer vehicles and leak personal information from over a dozen car manufacturers, including Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Porsche and Toyota, by


Investing in Layered Cybersecurity Is a Strategic Choice

With the rise of digital transformation and the prevalence of mobile, cloud, and other technologies, the cybersecurity threat has never been higher. The vulnerabilities created


Targeting of GitHub Repositories Continues as Slack Reports Security Breach, Stolen Source Code

GitHub repositories have become something of a trending target for hackers as of late, as stolen source code offers them a multitude of possibilities. Popular


The Evolution of Ransomware and How Enterprises Can Protect Themselves

Nearly every day, the news is filled with new ransomware attacks. Over the last 30 years, ransomware has transformed into one of the most sophisticated